Przejdź do treści

~~ PRZEPŁYW~~ vol. 3

Opublikowano 02 cze 2022
6 cze 2022

Galeria EXIT, Browar Mieszczański, Wrocław

PRZEPŁYW - cykl koncertów muzyki improwizowanej, którego założeniem jest łączenie ze sobą artystów w nieoczywistych i nowych konfiguracjach.

Koncepcja powstała z potrzeby stworzenia nowego, przyjaznego i twórczego środowiska dla sceny improwizowanej we Wrocławiu. Spotykać będziemy się w Galerii EXIT - mieszczącej się na terenie Browaru Mieszczańskiego.

Realizacja koncertów w miejscu, łączącym wszystkie dziedziny sztuki, może być ogromną inspiracją dla muzyków oraz punktem wyjścia do działań interdyscyplinarnych.

Dla każdego wydarzenia w EXIT ważny jest historyczny kontekst postindustrialnego wnętrza galerii, które staje się intrygującą przestrzenią dla odbiorcy.


1 set:

Luis Vicente - trąbka

Marcelo dos Reis - gitara

2 set:

Luis Vicente - trąbka

Marcelo dos Reis - gitara

Mateusz Rybicki - klarnet, saksofon tenorowy

Bilety (cegiełka dla artystów) 30 zł / 25 zł studencki



Zapraszamy do uczestniczenia w ~ ~ ~ PRZEPŁYWIE ~ ~ ~ do współtworzenia środowiska w którym dziedziny sztuk łączą się ze sobą w sposób autentyczny i niewymuszony.

Galeria EXIT: Milena Lubach, Michał Sikorski

Scena muzyczna: Mateusz Rybicki


Przepływ 3


(Un)Prepared Pieces for Guitar and Trumpet
Luis Vicente . trumpet
Marcelo dos Reis . Guitar

Luís Vicente and Marcelo dos Reis have established themselves over the last decade as two leading figures in new Portuguese music, either for the work created in Portugal, but also for the prominence of the international press and presentations they make in the most important European venues, a reputation that led them to be considered two of the most influential musicians of the last decade, by the prestigious publication, Free Jazz Collective. Among the numerous groups where they work together, and the important projects they maintain individually, the duo has been developing an increasingly unique language, the result of a work that has lasted for more than ten years, which already include eleven albums, tours and dozens of concerts all over Europe.

Before the release of their album in duo format, the pair travels for a Polish tour, where they will present the "(Un)Prepared Pieces for Guitar and Trumpet".



Luis Vicente is a portuguese trumpet player based in Lisbon. He’s a very active musician, playing in several groups with diferent concepts – from totally free to composed music – having always present the sense of freedom, which he can never leave aside. He already played in dozens of venues, festivals across Europe and in North America. He performed and recorded with Carlos Zingaro, Wilbert De Joode, Akira Sakata, Johannes Bauer, William Parker, Hamid Drake, Michael Moore, Roger Turner, Mars Williams, Jorrit Dijkstra, Jasper Stadhouders, Mary Oliver, Paal Nilsen Love, Joost Buis, Tobias Delius, Wolter Wierbos, Frank Gratkowski, Mark Sanders, Olie Brice, Marco Franco,  Mette Rasmussen, John Dikeman, Luke Stewart, Alexander Hawkins, Ziv Taubenfeld, Roberto Negro, John Butcher, João Lobo, Hugo Antunes, Valentin Ceccaldi, Seppe Gebruers, Onno Govaert, Théo Ceccaldi.

He plays his own tunes in trio and quartet and is a member of: Vicente-Dikeman-Parker-Drake; Vicente-Gebruers-Govaert; Vicente-Trilla; Chamber 4; Vicente-Brice-Sanders; Corda Bamba; Twenty One 4tet; Frame Trio; Clocks and Clouds; Deux Maisons; In Layers; Vicente-Marjamaki; Ziv Taubenfeld’s Full Sun; Fail Better!.


He's one prominent voice in the new generation of european improvisers. All his work have been widely acclaimed, and beside all the achievements, was nominated one of the best five guitar players at the El Intruso - 8th, 9th, 10th and 14th Annual International Critics Poll, Musician of the Year 2017 at Magazine and in 2020 was considered one of the most influencial musicians of the 2010's at the renowned Free Jazz Blog Collective. His idiosyncratic approach to the guitar, puts him as one of the key figures of the portuguese music scene. He works in groups like In Layers, Frame Trio, Open Field, Pedra Contida, in duo with Eve Risser, Miguel Falcão, João Valinho and Luís Vicente, Chamber 4, Staub Quartet and Fail Better!, this last three were considered by the media one of the best newcomer bands. Beside his projects he worked and shared the stage in venues and festivals all around Europe with dozens of different artists and musicians. Apart from his work as performer, Marcelo organises the Double Bill - Concert Series, works in a regular basis as composer with the Marionet theatre company and others, he creates music for films, runs the record label Cipsela, and he is guitar teacher and the director of the Academia de Música CNM.

Przepływ 3

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