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Opublikowano 15 lis 2014

W przyszłym tygodniu naszym gościem będzie znakomity grafik prof. Beauvais Lyons z Uniwersytetu Tennesse w Knoxville, USA.Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich, a w szczególności studentów, do uczestniczenia w wykładach.

WYKŁAD IWtorek, 18.11.2014, 11:00
Sala Audytoryjna 410, 4 piętro, ul. Traugutta 19/21
"Performance talk" titled "The Art and Scholarship of Everitt Ormsby Hokes". This mock-academic lecture includes biographical material on the founder of the Hokes Archives. The talk includes an introduction to the art and culture of the Apasht and the Aazud, medical and zoological prints and "The George and Helen Spelvin Folk Art Collection". / 40 minut

WYKŁAD IIŚroda, 19.11.2014, 11:00
Sala Audytoryjna 410, 4 piętro, ul. Traugutta 19/21
"Mock Documentation" - this lecture provides a survey of work by contemporary artists who have mocked the authority of the academy, the museum, science, history and commerce. This talk has covers a great many disciplines (painting, prints, sculpture, ceramics, photography and design) and has a broad appeal for artists, academics and the general public. / 60 minut

"The Vernacular Print" - this lecture applies the theories of Robert Venturi's Learning from Las Vegas to considering the cultural, social and economic significance of print media. The vernacular print argues for the power of printmaking to engage audiences outside of the museum and gallery, as a tool for artists working with gift economies, social practice and grass roots political actions. / 50 minut

Czwartek, 20.11.2014, 10:00-13:00
Sala 120, 1/2 piętro, ul. Traugutta 19/21

Na Mentoring Session obowiązują zapisy po wykładach.
Hokes Archives:
UTK Printmaking:
Torchbearer Article:
Video Profile:

informacja: Marta Kubiak, zamieścił: Leszek Sołtys 

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