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Lise Autogena – profesor wizytująca

Opublikowano 07 sty 2020

Od 6 do 10 stycznia 2020 r. na Akademii gościć będziemy urodzoną w Danii, a mieszkającą w Wielkiej Brytanii artystkę Lise Frandsen Autogena – profesor w The Cultural, Communication & Computing Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

Lise Autogena is a Danish-born artist, who has lived in the UK since 1987. She works as a Professor of Cross-Disciplinary Art at Sheffield Hallam University and is currently working with European Commission Scientists and Policy-makers on projects related to big data and climate change. 

She was educated in Glass, Fine Art and Fine Art Curating at West Surrey College of Art, Massachusetts College of Art, University of East London and Goldsmiths College and has been a recipient of many awards for her work in glass and fine art. In 1998 she was nominated for the Jerwood Prize for Glass and awarded the Art Foundation award. In 2004 she was a recipient of a four year NESTA Fellowship from the National Endowment of Science Technology and the Arts for her large scale multimedia installations.

Since the early 90's, she has worked in partnership with the artist Joshua Portway, developing large scale performances and multimedia installations. These projects have used film, technology and realtime data to explore how the economic, geographic, technological and societal systems we have created, impact on our human experience and sense of self in the world. These projects have been exhibited around the world such as Tate Gallery, Somerset House, Gwangju Biennial, ZKM, Nikolaj Kunsthal Copenhagen, Malmo Kunsthal, Trondheim Kunsthal and ArtScience Museum Singapore. Major projects include: 'Most Blue Skies' ( a project responding to real-time changes in the atmosphere using satellite data and atmospheric simulations to visualize and locate the most blue sky in the world – and 'Black Shoals; Dark Matter' ( – a stock market planetarium visualising the worlds financial markets in real time, as a night sky of constellations, galaxies and black holes. Foghorn Requiem' ( was a landscape-interactive musical performance performed by Souter Lighthouse foghorn, three brass bands and fifty ships on the North Sea.  

Podczas tygodniowego pobytu na Akademii zaplanowano wykład, warsztaty i konsultacje dla studentów interdyscyplinarnych studiów II stopnia prowadzonych w języku angielskim.

Wizyta organizowana jest w ramach projektu „Umiędzynarodowienie kształcenia, kompetentna kadra i nowoczesne zarządzanie gwarancją jakości i międzynarodowej obecności Akademii Sztuk Pięknych we Wrocławiu" współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.

info: M. Krzemińska-Baluch

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