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Anna Żak - studentka rzeźby - na rezydencji artystycznej w Pecs na Węgrzech.

Opublikowano 19 mar 2012

Anna Żak realizuje podczas rezydencji swój projekt w wybranym miejscu w przestrznii miasta Pecs. W projekcie "I know no weekend" bierze udział....

kilkoro studentów z różnych uczelni artystycznych z różnych krajów. Projekt związany jest z wórczością Josepha Beuysa - zwłaszcza ze społecznym aspektem jego sztuki.

i know no weekend - artistic interventions in public space

March 20th - 25th, 2012, Pécs

A project by: Lenau Ház and SosemArt Kulturális Egyesület


kilku studentów z różnych uczelni - z różnych krajów. Projekt związany jest z twórczością Josepha Beuysa - odwołuje się do społecznego aspektu jego sztuki.

What is the role, the impact and what are the responsibilities of artists in today's society?
Based on the artistic works and concepts of German artist Joseph Beuys (1921 – 1986) young artists were called upon to deal with current sociopolitical issues, and how they interrelate.
Beuys is now considered as one of the most influential artists of the 21st Century, though or because his work produced controversial debates about contemporary art and the commitment of artists in the 1970s and 80s.
Art students from the participating international universities proposed projects to be realized in a public space, showing a critical reflection of Beuys' artistic approaches. A jury consisting of representatives from each university selected six artists and their projects, which are now to be realized in Pécs.
Six artistic interventions, showing six different approaches to socially engaged art - the program offers an insight into the perspectives of young artists on the possibilities and challenges in their lives.


> Anna Żak: "Place" / 03.20 - 24 / 14 - 19 h / Ferencesek útja 38.

> Ninoslav Kovačević: "The collective dream" / 03.21 - 23 / 12 - 16 h

> Michaela Bottková: "Place of honour" / 03.20, 12 - 15 h (Árkád Shopping Center), 03.21, 12 - 15 h (Kossuth tér)

> Slobodan Stošić: "The hole" / 03.20 - 24, 0 - 24 h / Balokány Liget, Zsolnay Vilmos utca

> István Szántó: "Beeswaxbed" / 03.20 - 25, 8 - 19 h / Szívgyógyászati Klinika, Átrium, Ifjúság út 13.

> Kateřina Horáčková: "Honeymachine" / 03.20 - 24, 14 - 18 h / Pécsi távolsági buszvégállomás, Nagy Lajos király útja 20.

On Tuesday and Wednesday from 12 h we offer guided tours in English and Hungarian language. If you want to participate, please send us an email 24 hours in advance to: The tours will take place if at least 4 people are interested. We will send you back a confirmation email with info about the meeting point.

More info about the project:


Anna Żak
E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw, Poland

An empty room, a few everyday items and, in between, a lot of space to fill. The interactive installation brings social and political dimensions into focus by inquiring the interdependence of space and people. Each day and time, the room will look different, it will be developed, changed, and renewed by the people entering. Being encouraged to transform "the place", the visitors automatically get in connection with each other.

István Szántó
University of Pécs / Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, Hungary

Merging apparently opposed materials and symbols, the object proposes a holistic way of being. While the beewax as a source of life-energy stands for the spirituality, the cold over-sized iron hospital bed represents natural sciences. Based on a personal story of the artist, a successful surgical intervention, the sculpture also denotes the determinative event in Joseph Beuys' life - the legend of Beuys once being rescued and healed by the Tartars.

Kateřina Horáčková
Brno University of Technology / Faculty of Fine Art, Czech Republic

The honey machine, an invention by the Czech beekeeper Jaroslav Vodička, is a real-life object brought from Brno to Pécs. Produced by bees and containing no preservatives or artificial additives, honey is one of the purest extracts from nature. By offering the honey through an automat, people get familiar not only with value of natural products themselves, but also with the idea and advantages of local production in an unconventional way.

Michaela Bottková
Technical University of Košice / Faculty of Arts, Slovakia

"Place of honor"
The whole world is convulsed by crisis - economically, politically, socially. The collapse is coming soon, and we have no idea how to prevent it. Are we in need of a messiah? Someone who shows us the right path, whom we can learn from how to have a decent life, and which direction to move on to? "The place of honor" offers an opportunity for everyone, to share their visions of a better life and to propose what they would change – if they had the possibility.

Ninoslav Kovačević
University of Banja Luka / Academy of Arts, Bosnia and Herzegovina

"The collective dream"
Every person is dreaming from time to time - at night or during the day, be it a nightmare, a memory or a future vision. Is there a possibility, that several individual dreams sum up to a collective one? And what could happen then? The performance-based installation visually refers to the war and post war scenarios in the 1990s. It proposes an understanding of art, in which dreaming is followed by action.

Slobodan Stošić
University of Novi Sad / Academy of Arts, Serbia

"The hole"
Just recently, the artist decided to hide and separate from society. Like a rabbit building a home, he was digging this hole in Balokány Liget as an entrance and exit at the same time, and stayed in there for three days. While adjusting his body to the hole and skipping any rational models or thoughts, his sense of time and space got lost.

Project Partners:

Academy of Arts University of Novi Sad (
Academy of Arts, University of Banja Luka (
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts (
E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw (
Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Arts (
University of Pécs, Faculty of Music and Visual Arts (

"i know no weekend" is supported by:

ERSTE Foundation
Robert Bosch Stiftung

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