1st International Conference Methodological and Cognitive Aspects of Visual Arts

The Doctoral School of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław invites you to participate in the 1st International Conference titled: Methodological and Cognitive Aspects of Visual Arts, which will take place between the 27th and 29th of September 2023, in Wrocław, Poland.
The conference's primary goal is to compare research methods and practices within art and science. We focus here mainly on visual art, understood as a vast domain which includes such fields as fine art, design, and art theory. However, speakers who wish to refer to other art disciplines like music or theatre are also welcome if their interests align with the topics of the conference panels.
During the sessions, we will consider various approaches to characterizing the research process within art, examining methods like "artistic research" or "art-based research." A wide range of issues concern the relationship between art and science, including methodological comparisons (similarities and differences) and the indication of potential fields for interdisciplinary cooperation. We will also follow the current discussion regarding the influence of artificial intelligence on art. Finally, we will consider the importance of image and visual imagination (stimulated by art) in scientific discovery, education and the popularization of science. As the conference is organized by The Doctoral School, one of the panels will be dedicated to the forms of organization of doctoral education in art. In addition, the artistic projects of PhD candidates will be presented in short form (using the Pecha Kucha method) during separate sessions.
More information: asp.wroc.pl/pl/uczelnia/struktura-uczelni/szkola-doktorska/conference-2023