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Book Studio

Diploma awarding Studio


The Book Studio is a place where students are asked to create their own commentary to a text or on a given topic, in the form of a book. We want unusual objects to be created in the Book Studio, strongly marked with the author's personality, resulting from an in-depth contact with the text or being a subjective statement of the student.

We introduce students to the aspects of book design in the field of:

  • typesetting of the text,

  • selection of paper or other materials used for the typesetting of the designed object,

  • illustrations,

  • we work closely with the bookbinding workshop in order to physically create the designed books.


In the Book Studio we try to familiarize students with an artistic book, i.e. a more or less typical artistic object. We are primarily interested in the author's perception of the book. Working on a text or script idea in the case of picture books or pop-ups. An individual approach to each theme. We place emphasis on a careful selection of the individual elements that make up a book.

We invite numerous guests to our classes, who talk about books from very different perspectives:

  • they show us the materials we can work with: papers, types of printing refinements, etc.,

  • They tell us how to work with books in workshops, for example with children.

We try to organise workshops with book creators (our guests in recent years were, for example, Iwona Chmielewska and Kevin Zak from Canada, who deals with paper engineering (pop-ups)).

Launched with an exhibition at the National Forum of Music in 2016, the BOOKmakers exhibition series presents current projects from the Studio (2017: Kasa Matei Gallery in Cluj Napoca, Romania; 2017 and 2018: The Centennial Hall - Good Books Fair, 2019: The Copperplate Engraver House in Wrocław, Gallery at the ASP Rector’s Office in Wrocław).


  • Graphic design


Third year students of graphic design are admitted to the Studio by enrolling before the beginning of the first or second semester.

We also accept students for elective courses on the basis of a portfolio and an interview with the candidate (the admission limit depends on the number of students in the Studio).


  1. Fully booked. Cover art & design for books
  2. Keith Houston, Książka
  3. Piotr Rypson, Książki i strony. Polska książka awangardowa i artystyczna XX w.
  4. Tomasz Wilmanski, Książka i co dalej
  5. Andrzej Tomaszewski, Zapiski książkoroba