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Skrzypiec-Żuchowska Joanna

ass. tutor Joanna Skrzypiec-Żuchowska

ass. prof. Joanna Skrzypiec-Żuchowska, PhD

Head of the part-time study programme in Printmaking in the field of Graphic Design at the Faculty of Graphics and Media Art

Faculty of Graphics and Media Art

Department of Graphic Design

Book Studio

Subjects taught

    Fundamentals of Graphic Design (part-time study programme)

    Graphic Design in the Book Studio (full-time study programme)

In 2005 she graduated from the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, majoring in Printmaking.

In addition to teaching, she deals with graphic design professionally. She is the author of numerous visual designs for exhibitions in the Contemporary Museum in Wrocław, the Municipal Gallery and BWA SIC.

The most important issues for me are all those connected with book design, especially its material and spatial aspects, which, apart from their purely literary content, create a message, influence the viewer and encourage interaction. All the achievements in this field, both my own and my students', make up the joint project BOOKmakers, which I co-create, among others, with M. Wosik and K. M. Wiśniewska.

Awards and scholarships

2020 – Silver Medal at the Indigo Design Award for the graphic design of the book On Emotions of Creation by Iwona Siewierska

2020 – Bronze Award at the European Design Awards 2020 for the graphic design of the book On Emotions of Creation by Iwona Siewierska

2020 – Special Award Arctic Paper at PGD Awards (Polish Graphic Design)

2019 – Team Award of the Minister of Culture and Art for didactic activities

2019 – Nomination in the Polish national competition PGD Awards (Polish Graphic Design Awards) in the category Publishing 2019, subcategory Educational Book, handbooks, technical publication, dictionary, for the book On Emotions of Creation

2019 – Nomination for an award in the 60th Polish Association of Book Publishers competition for the Most Beautiful Book of the Year 2019 in category VIII. CATALOGUES, BIBLIOPHILE AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS

2011 – Award of the Rector of the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław (individual award)

2010 – Award of the Rector of the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław (team award)


2019 – Gift of Wrocław, group exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts Gdańsk, Poland

2018 – BOOKmakers, group exhibition, in the "Szałfenster" festival

2018 – Oh Ludwik, jubilee exhibition, in tribute to Prof. Ludwik Żelaźniewicz, group exhibition, the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, Poland

2018 – BOOKmakers, group exhibition, Copperplate Engraver's House, Wrocław, Poland

2018 – 72-300 dpi. design project inspiration, exhibition of works of lecturers and students of the Faculty of Graphics and Media Art at the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, BK Galerie, Braunschweig, Germany