The Faculty of Sculpture and Art Mediation

Head of the Department of Art Mediation: Monika Aleksandrowicz, PhD
Head of the Department of Sculpture Techniques: Andrzej Kosowski, PhD
Head of the Department of Sculpture And Spatial Activities: Marek Ruszkiewicz, PhD
The Faculty of Sculpture and Art Mediation educates in the fields of Sculpture and Art Mediation, within which it offers:
Full-time studies at the Department of Sculpture:
· long-cycle Master’s degree (5 years)
Full-time studies at the Department of Art Mediation:
· first-cycle studies (3-year);
· second-cycle studies (2-year).
Postgraduate Studies in Art Mediation:
· Mediation and Art Market (1.5 year)
Studies at the Faculty of Sculpture and Art Mediation, within the framework of both fields of study, supported by the knowledge acquired at the Department of Art History and Philosophy, Institute of Foreign Languages and numerous free choice studios, ensure comprehensive preparation of a young art student for future individual creative and professional work.
The Faculty is represented by the following Departments:
· Department of Sculpture and Spatial Activities;
· Department of Sculpture Techniques;
· Department of Art Mediation.
The education programme of sculpture includes classes in two departments: the Department of Sculpture and Spatial Activities and the Department of Sculpture Techniques. The core of the Department of Sculpture and Spatial Activities are the Diploma Sculpture Studios, in which students develop the ability to formulate personal artistic expressions through various artistic activities in widely understood space. The Department of Sculpture Techniques offers the opportunity to learn how to design and realize works in various materials in the studios of: Stone, Metal, Ceramic Sculpture, Wood Sculpture and Casting in colourful metals. As part of this course of study, students also take classes in Intermedia, Photography and Information Technology, which provide an interdisciplinary curriculum focusing on communication and intermedia creative activities. Students also gain knowledge in conservation and reconstruction as well as stucco work. They learn the principles of analysing public space in the Sculpture in Architecture and Urban Planning Studio and develop their 3D design skills in the Computer Assisted Sculpture Studio. The graduates are able to analyse space and shape it creatively; they can function independently in the artistic world and on the art market.
The Department of Art Mediation offers two levels of education. The curriculum includes degree courses such as: Art in Public Space, Creative Communication Studio, Spatial Relationship Studio, Word and Image Studio and Art Mediation. Students acquire a solid scope of theoretical knowledge which is supported by artistic and curatorial practice. In addition to subjects such as History of Art, Art Criticism, Analysis of Contemporary Art and Promotion of Visual Culture, they deepen their artistic experience with practical classes in drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic design, photography and audiovisual art. An extremely important element of education is cooperation with eminent personalities of the world of art, critics, galleries and cultural institutions - thanks to which the student penetrates into the living tissue of art and acquires the ability to mediate in its social reception.