Faculty of Painting and Drawing

Head of the Department of Painting: Karol Babicz, PhD
Head of the Department of Drawing: Marta Szymczakowska, PhD
Head of the Department of Architectural Painting And Multimedia: Joanna Pałys, PhD
The Faculty of Painting educates in the field of Painting within which it offers:
Full-time studies:
· long-cycle Master’s studies (5 years)
Part-time studies:
· first-cycle studies (4 years);
· second-cycle studies (1.5-year).
Postgraduate studies:
· Painting (2 years);
· Painting in the field of New Media (2 years).
The Faculty of Painting educates students mainly in the field of widely understood painting and drawing. Studies within the group of subjects, supported by the knowledge gained in the Department of History of Art and Philosophy, Institute of Foreign Languages and numerous studios of free choice, ensure comprehensive preparation of a young art student for future individual creative and professional work, going beyond the thorough knowledge of easel painting and at the same time allowing for the formulation of artistic statements also in other artistic techniques.
The Faculty is represented by the following Departments:
· Department of Painting;
· Department of Drawing;
· Department of Architectural Painting and Multimedia.
The didactic programme in the Department of Painting is conducted in twelve studios, similarly as in the Department of Drawing. The Studio of Architectural Painting Design and Art in Public Space, as well as the Multimedia Studio base their curriculum on the problems of integrating painting activities and interdisciplinary artistic creations. The Studio of Painting Techniques and Technologies together with laboratories enable students to realize their own painting concepts in selected techniques. The Electronic Media Studio is a supplement to the classical workshop with new media in artistic creation.