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For PhD students

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Fund for scientific development of the members of the Doctoral School

Regulations_Fund for scientific development_2025
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Regulations_Fund for scientific development_2025
Application form
pdf, 276.26 KB
Application form

Doctoral students of all years may apply for funding to support their activities under the programme “Fund for scientific development of the members of the Doctoral School”. The rules of the programme, including the yearly maximum funding amount and the list of eligible costs for a given academic year are defined in the Regulations.

NAWA STER II Scholarships and internships

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As part of the implementation of the programme "Comprehensive internationalization of the Doctoral School at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław" (NAWA STER II) in the academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 trips for scientific internships for the best doctoral students will be financed and scholarships for the best doctoral students from abroad will be granted. In September 2022 and 2023, commissions evaluating the achievements of PhD students of the Doctoral School are meeting to select beneficiaries of the project. The basis for the evaluation of the committees is going to be the application form and the documentation of the PhD student's achievements.

Doctoral students' semester reports

Supervisor's opinion
docx, 13.99 KB
Supervisor's opinion
Teaching Internship Report
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Teaching Internship Report
Semester report
docx, 33.92 KB
Semester report

According to the Curriculum, in order to pass the following semesters, doctoral students are expected to submit to the Dean of the Doctoral School, by 15 February and 15 September each year, the following documents:
1) report concerning the progress in the implementation of the Individual Research Plan, including the work progress in the preparation of the doctoral dissertation,
2) supervisor’s opinion on the progress of the doctoral student's research work
3) information on didactic practice completed by the doctoral student, confirmed by the supervisor.

Individual Research Plan

Individual Research Plan
docx, 26.62 KB
Individual Research Plan

During the second semester of education at the Doctoral School, doctoral students prepare individual research plans with the academic guidance of their supervisors. These documents need to be approved by the Artistic Discipline Council of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław before the summer break after the first year of education (the second half of June).
Any changes to the individual research plan also need to be approved by the Artistic Discipline Council 

Mid-term evaluation

Report on the implementation of IRP
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Report on the implementation of IRP
Szczegółowe zasady przeprowadzania oceny śródokresowej 2023_24
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Szczegółowe zasady przeprowadzania oceny śródokresowej 2023_24

Implementation of the individual research plan is subject to mid-term evaluation, which takes place during the fourth semester of education by an evaluation committee appointed separately for each doctoral student.
The rules for conducting the mid-term evaluation in a given academic year are defined by a separate order of the Dean of the Doctoral School.

Results of the mid-term evaluation in the academic year 2023/2024

Name and surname 

Evaluation committee


Laura Adel    

prof. Paul Holmes (Edinburgh Napier University)
dr Robert Sochacki (ASP Wrocław) 
dr Zuzanna Dyrda (ASP Wrocław)


Małgorzata Goliszewska

prof. Paul Holmes (Edinburgh Napier University)
prof. Małgorzata Warlikowska (ASP Wrocław) 
dr Zuzanna Dyrda (ASP Wrocław)


Magdalena Szwajcowska

prof. Paul Holmes (Edinburgh Napier University)
prof. ASP Dominika Sobolewska (ASP Wrocław) 
dr Patrycja Mastej (ASP Wrocław)


Miruna Gheordunescu

prof. Paul Holmes (Edinburgh Napier University)
prof. ASP Małgorzata Kaczmarska (ASP Wrocław)
dr Patrycja Mastej (ASP Wrocław)


Saitip Majewska

prof. Paul Holmes (Edinburgh Napier University)
prof. ASP Magdalena Grzybowska (ASP Wrocław) 
prof. ASP Joanna Teper (ASP Wrocław)


Foteini Kolaiti

prof. Paul Holmes (Edinburgh Napier University)
prof. ASP Maja Wolińska (ASP Wrocław) 
dr Roland Grabkowski (ASP Wrocław)


Aleksandra Pulińska prof. Paul Holmes (Edinburgh Napier University)
prof. ASP Michał Staszczak (ASP Wrocław) 
dr Roland Grabkowski (ASP Wrocław)
Grzegorz Bibro prof. Paul Holmes (Edinburgh Napier University)
prof. ASP Stanisław Sobota (ASP Wrocław) 
prof. ASP Joanna Teper (ASP Wrocław)
Urszula Lucińska prof. Paul Holmes (Edinburgh Napier University)
prof. ASP Anna Kołodziejczyk (ASP Wrocław) 
prof. ASP Norman Smużniak (ASP Wrocław)

Qualitative descriptions of the evaluation carried out and the recommendations of the evaluation committees were passed on directly to the doctoral students.

Doctoral degree conferring procedure

A guide to the doctoral degree conffering procedure
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A guide to the doctoral degree conffering procedure
The resolution of the Senate - doctoral and habilitation degrees conferring procedure
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The resolution of the Senate - doctoral and habilitation degrees conferring procedure

Education at the Doctoral School ends with the submission of a doctoral dissertation. The rules of conducting the doctoral degree conferring procedure are determined by a separate resolution of the Senate of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design.

Other documents

Supplementary studio - declaration
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Supplementary studio - declaration
Health insurance - statement
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Health insurance - statement