Faculty of Interior Architecture, Design and Stage Design

Head of the Department of Interior Architecture: Agata Wojtyła-Młynarczyk, PhD
Head of the Department of Furniture: Szymon Hanczar, PhD
Head of the Department of Stage Design: Bartosz Zamarek, PhD
Head of the Department of Design: Grzegorz Rozwadowski, PhD
The Faculty of Interior Architecture, Design and Stage Design educates in the fields of Interior Architecture, Design and Stage Design.
Full-time studies in Interior Architecture:
· first-cycle studies (3 years);
· second-cycle studies (2 years).
Part-time studies in Interior Architecture:
· first-cycle studies (3 years);
· second-cycle studies (2 years).
Postgraduate Studies "Artistic Disciplines in Architecture”
Full-time studies in Design:
· first-cycle studies (3 years);
· second-cycle studies (2 years).
Part-time studies in Design:
· second-cycle studies (2 years)
Full-time studies in Stage Design:
· long-cycle Master’s studies (5 years)
The Faculty is represented by the following Departments:
· Department of Interior Architecture
· Department of Furniture
· Department of Design
· Department of Stage Design
Interior Architecture
The curriculum of Interior Architecture is based on two blocks of subjects - a group of basic subjects and a group of degree subjects, expanded by humanistic courses and supplementary education. Students are prepared to design widely understood interior architecture, furniture and exhibition space. At the Bachelor's level, the curriculum provides preparation for the profession of interior designer in the basic range. During the Master's studies, design-artistic creation is important, and above all preparation for independent formulation and solving of design problems, self-education and expansion of directional knowledge and knowledge of a humanistic nature. The ultimate goal, the results of education in the field of interior architecture is to obtain the relevant competences and skills based on specialized knowledge and professional practice acquired during the studies, necessary for further conscious development of artistic personality and comprehensive experience of the role of designer and creator of the surrounding reality.
The curriculum of Design is based on two blocks of subjects - a group of basic subjects and a group of degree subjects. Students are prepared to design industrial forms based on a wide range of humanistic knowledge and acquired specialist skills, as well as general artistic education. The education is carried out according to the didactic programs in the design studios of the Department of Design. Topics covered include designing products of various structures and functions, means of transport, visual messages and complex information structures, designing packaging, tools and working environments, everyday objects, and kinetic objects. At the Bachelor’s level, a practical approach to design dominates, complemented by visual creation, essential design knowledge and general knowledge.
At the Master's level, design-artistic creation and research work are important, and above all preparation for independent formulation and solution of design problems, self-education and expansion of directional knowledge and knowledge of a humanistic nature.
Stage Design
In the academic year 2011/2012, at the Faculty of Interior Architecture and Design (now Faculty of Interior Architecture, Design and Stage Design), the Department of Stage Design was established and a new course of study was started, which allows for the realization of own mode of training for theatre, film and puppet stage designers. The curriculum for full-time studies of the first degree is based on two basic blocks of subjects - a group of basic subjects and a group of degree subjects, extended by humanistic courses and supplementary education. In the academic year 2015/2016, in the field of Stage Design we launched a long-cycle Master's studies that last 5 years.