Faculty of Graphics and Media Art

Head of the Department of Printmaking: Anna Kodź PhD
Head of the Department of Graphic Design: Maciej Majchrzak PhD
Head of the Department of Media Art: Aleksandra Trojanowska, PhD
The Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committee having assessed the curriculum of Graphics at the level of the first and second-cycle studies and of the long-cycle Master's studies of an all-academic profile, by Resolution No. 346/2014 of 26 June 2014 awarded an outstanding mark.
The Faculty of Graphics and Media Art educates in the fields of Graphics and Media Art, within which it offers:
Full-time studies
· Graphics conducted within long-cycle Master's studies (5 years);
· Media Art conducted within Bachelor’s studies (3 years) and Master’s studies (2 years);
· Interdisciplinary doctoral studies of the third degree in English.
Part-time studies
· Graphics conducted within Bachelor's studies (3 years) and Master's studies (2 years) with a specialization in Graphic Design;
· Media Art conducted within Bachelor's studies (3 years) and Master's studies (2 years) with a specialization in Photography and Multimedia;
· Graphics conducted within Bachelor's studies (3 years) and Master's studies (2 years) with a specialization in Printmaking in English;
· Graphics conducted within postgraduate studies in English - Interdisciplinary Printmaking (1 year).
The Faculty is represented by the following Departments:
· Department of Graphic Design;
· Department of Printmaking;,
· Department of Media Art.
THE DEPARTMENT OF GRAPHICS AND MEDIA ART continues the teaching tradition of distinguished Wrocław graphic designers: Prof. Stanisław Dawski, Prof. Maciej Urbaniec, Associate Prof. Leszek Kaćma and Prof. Halina Pawlikowska.
GRAPHICS (Bachelor's studies, Master's studies)
The degree studies include graphic design and printmaking with a corresponding intermedia and photographic programme. The scope of education determines the graduate's skills in the use of traditional and modern electronic means of graphic communication. The graduates are competent in using variants of graphic language for persuasion, information, orientation, educational and artistic purposes. They are prepared to work independently on a wide market of book and press publications, advertising and in cultural institutions. They have humanistic and artistic knowledge appropriate for higher studies. Graduates with a Bachelor's diploma in Second-cycle studies and long-cycle Master’s studies give the student a well-established ability to communicate in the language of graphics. Graduates are focused on shaping artistic, social and cultural values of the graphic message. They maturely initiate, undertake and present important tasks of the public and private sphere.
MEDIA ART (Bachelor's studies, Master's studies)
A graduate of the Bachelor’s studies acquires: ability to create and record moving image, ability to edit and transform moving image, ability to create and use photographic image, ability to transpose and use photographic and moving image in interactive media and multimedia projects (web, interactive productions). They learn rules of intermedia actions, creating multimedia space and media persuasion. The above mentioned skills enable the graduates to independently perform the tasks in the above mentioned fields, as well as to undertake work in cultural institutions, publishing houses, photo agencies and advertising agencies. A graduate with a Bachelor’s diploma in Media Arts is prepared to undertake second-cycle studies.
The Master's studies educate graduates who are aware of the role of contemporary electronic media (photography, film, video, interactive media) and are prepared to function in the field of author's creation and its practical application. In the course of studies, graduates use their skills of creating photographic images and moving images (video, animation) to create fully original artistic and applied (including multimedia and interactive) messages. Graduate receive the humanistic and artistic knowledge appropriate for a second-cycle studies.