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Grzyb Marek

ac. prof. Marek Grzyb

Dean of the Faculty of Graphics and Media Art

Subjects taught

Game and Virtual Form Design – first level studies

Game and Virtual Form Design – second level studies

Fundamentals of 3D Modelling and Animation

Intermedia Activities

Fundamentals of Multimedia

In 1997 he graduated from the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, majoring in Printmaking.

In today's "defragmented" reality, the past and its immaterial and material manifestations seem very appealing to me. They are a kind of a stabiliser in which I look for solutions, answers and confirmation of my intuition. My interest in the past has led me to use many artefacts in my artistic work, from which I try to create an album, a collection or a set of objects. This strategy helps me to master other people's 'visual' stories and relationships with which I work. The figure of a 'collection' enables me to create my own narratives based on other people's stories, objects and images.

Awards and scholarships

1989 – Second Award in the Underground Film Festival, Kraków


2020 – Acts of Remembrance, individual exhibition, Contrast Photography Gallery, Oborniki Śląskie 2019 – Own Measure / Own Dimension, Neon Gallery, Wrocław
2018 – Re-constructions, KINO Gallery, Wrocław
2017 – 72-300 dpi. Design / Project / Inspiration, HBK Braunschweig, Germany
2014 – Codes of the Past, individual exhibition, MBWA, Leszno
2012 – Damals – Heute, Museum Der Fotografie, Görlitz, Germany


2012 – Albums, published by Academy of Art and Design Wrocław