Faculty of Ceramics and Glass

Head of the Department of Ceramics:
Head of the Department of Glass: Kalina Bańka-Kulka, PhD
Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies: Magdalena Gazur, PhD
Head of the Department Of Conservation And Restoration Of Ceramics And Glass: Natalia Moszak-Kaczmarek, PhD
The Faculty of Ceramics and Glass educates in the fields of Art and Design of Ceramics, Art and Design of Glass and Conservation and Restoration of Artworks within the scope of Ceramics and Glass.
Full-time studies in Art and Design of Ceramics:
· first-cycle studies (3 years);
· second-cycle studies (2 years).
Full-time studies in Art and Design of Glass:
· first-cycle studies (3 years);
· second-cycle studies (2 years).
Full-time studies in Conservation and Restoration of Artworks within the scope of Ceramics and Glass:
· long-cycle Master’s studies (6 years)
The Faculty is represented by the following Departments:
· Department of Ceramics;
· Department of Glass;
· Department of Conservation and Restoration of Artworks within the scope of Ceramics and Glass;
· Department of Interdisciplinary Activities in Ceramics and Glass.
Over 70 years of experience of successive generations of professors (including Prof. Krystyna Cybińska, Prof. Irena Lipska-Zworska, Prof. Zbigniew Horbowy, Prof. Ludwik Kiczura, Prof. Zdzisław Szyba) led to the creation of three unique, on a scale of Polish artistic universities, faculties on which education is currently conducted: Art and Design of Ceramics, Art and Design of Glass and Conservation and Restoration of Artworks within the scope of Ceramics and Glass.
The studies are realized within the framework of the main degree courses, extended by the knowledge and skills gained in the general art and free choice subjects (such as painting, sculpture, drawing, graphics), a wide range of subjects conducted in the Department of Interdisciplinary Activities in Ceramics and Glass, complemented by the knowledge gained in the Department of History of Art and Philosophy and the Institute of Foreign Languages. They ensure comprehensive preparation of a young art student for future individual creative and professional work.
The education of students majoring in Art and Design of Ceramics is provided by the Department of Ceramics and the Department of Interdisciplinary Activities. It gives the students an opportunity to study in six diploma studios: Artistic Ceramics Studio I and, Pottery Wheel Studio, Applied Ceramics Design Studio I and II, Ceramics Design in Architecture Studio. It also has: Fundamentals of Ceramic Design Studio, Intermedia Activities in Ceramics Studio, Ceramic Techniques and Technologies in Painting and Sculpture Studio, and Laboratory of Technological Experimentation. Specialized infrastructure and workshops at the disposal of the faculty include: a model room, a workshop for the preparation of ceramic masses and glazes, kiln studios equipped with a variety of kilns for firing ceramics, Blaauw gas kiln for the implementation of large objects, traditional Tongkama wood kiln, kiln for Black Ceramics. The studios are well stocked with materials and equipped with specialized equipment such as 3D printers for ceramic mass printing and a printer for ceramic carbon paper. The two-degree study programme provides full artistic and design preparation, developing creative individuality, talents and sensitivity, necessary in the work of a contemporary ceramic artist. Graduates gain an education that allows them to create individually in their own studios, work in design teams or cooperate with industry.
The education of students majoring in Art and Design of Glass is provided by the Department of Glass and the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies. It gives the students an opportunity to study in five diploma studios: Artistic Glass Studio I and II, Applied Glass Studio I and II, and Glass in Architecture Studio. There is also a Stained Glass Studio, a Basic Artistic Glass Studio, a Basic Functional Glass Studio, and a Laboratory of Workshop Activities with Elements of Glass Technology. The faculty has modern, specialized infrastructure and workshops at its disposal. Its technical facilities include a glassworks, which is one of the few such workshop centres in Europe, used for prototyping applied glass designs and realising artistic objects. The Department of Glass also includes: a grinding workshop, an engraving workshop, a gas burner workshop, a modelling workshop, a furnace studio equipped with various electric furnaces for melting and welding glass, both large sculptural forms and elements of architectural glazing and stained glass. The students draw on the experience of their professors. Strong emphasis is placed on the intellectual stimulation of the student based on their sensitivity; developing a conscious artist and designer, an original creative personality. Graduates of Art and Design of Glass are comprehensively prepared to undertake artistic and design activities in their own studios and to cooperate with industry.
The education of students majoring in Conservation and Restoration of Artworks within the scope of Ceramics and Glass is provided by the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Artworks and the Department of Interdisciplinary Activities. It gives the students an opportunity to study in three diploma studios: Ceramics Conservation and Restoration Studio, Glass Conservation and Restoration Studio and Stained Glass Conservation and Restoration Studio. In its structure, it also has closely cooperating with each other: Ceramics Conservation and Restoration Methodology Studio, Ceramics Copy Studio, Glass Detail Copy Studio, Stained Glass Studio, Ceramics and Glass Conservation and Restoration Technology Studio, Ceramics and Glass Styling and Conservation Documentation Studio, Archaeological Monument Propedeutics Studio, and two design studios: Applied and Artistic Glass Design Studio and Applied and Artistic Ceramics Design Studio. The Department has at its disposal specialistic equipment for ageing research as well as for research on historical ceramics, glass and stained glass, including: a portable XRF, Raman and FTIR spectrometer. There are specialized workshops for glass modelling and grinding, and the studios are equipped with furnaces for firing ceramics, glass and stained-glass paintings, fume hoods and workstation exhaust systems. The diploma gives the graduates the right to work in conservation and restoration teams and to work independently in the field of ceramics, glass and stained glass conservation and restoration.
Part I of the monograph of the Faculty of Ceramics and Glass - https://issuu.com/maciejkasperski/docs/mono
Part II of the monograph of the Faculty of Ceramics and Glass - https://issuu.com/maciejkasperski/docs/cisz_mono_2_poj