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Wosik Magdalena

ac. prof. Magdalena Wosik

ac. prof. Magdalena Wosik

Member of the Senate of the Academy of Art and Design

Faculty of Graphics and Media Art

Department of Graphic Design

Book Studio

Subjects taught

    Graphic Design oster – part-time studies

Graduate of the State Higher School of Visual Arts in Wrocław (currently the Academy of Art and Design), field of study: Printmaking.

Graphic designer, illustrator, author of drawings and texts, lecturer. For many years, she has collaborated as an illustrator with Gazeta Wyborcza and Gazeta Wrocławska, Polska The Times and the biweekly magazine for children Miś, to which she has also written texts. She has collaborated with the Świerszczyk children's monthly for 13 years. Currently, she focuses on poster art, satirical drawing and illustrations for children. She illustrates texts by other authors but also has written her own books. She is the co-author (with Piotr Rychel) of the anti-colouring book O! Wow! A dragon in a tie! and Agencja z o.o. (Bajka Publishing House) and the author of Look hard! or hidden pictures, and What a prank! I am drawing a pet! (Nasza Księgarnia). She designed and drew three comic books of Pan Tadeusz in pictures for the Wrocław Ossolineum. Thirty years ago, her first poster was presented in the Poster Museum in Wilanów and she debuted as a caricaturist. Since then, she has taken part in over two hundred group exhibitions and over thirty individual ones in Poland and abroad. She has won numerous awards and distinctions for her prints, exlibrises, satirical drawings, posters, book illustrations and even a lamp design.

Selected awards

2020 – Award for the Best Book for Children A Comma and a Full Stop 2019 for Marcin Szczygielski's book with her illustrations entitled The Confused Fiancé in the category of books for children aged 10-13

2019 – Award for the Best Book for Children A Comma and a Full Stop 2018 for Marcin Szczygielski's book with her illustrations entitled Barking Mad in the category of books for children aged 10-13

2019 – Price for cartoon at the 24th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art, Bulgaria

2018 – First Prize in the 20th Open International Competition for Satirical Drawing Light, Zielona Góra

2017 – Grand Prix of Satyrykon

2017 – Literary Award of the Capital City of Warsaw in the category of Children's Literature for illustrations to Marcin Szczygielski's book The Curse of the Ninth Birthday, published by Bajka

Selected individual exhibitions

2021 – Drawings with temperament but without panache, Art in Place Gallery, Wrocław

2021 – Drawings of moral unrest, KINO Gallery, DCF, Wrocław

2017 – It is all a joke, or 33rd time lucky, E. Lipiński Museum of Caricature, Warsaw

2017 – Illustration is good for everything, Hala Stulecia, Wrocław

2017 – Magdalena Wosik – My illustRATIONS, Retrospective exhibition, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Włocławek

2016 – Illustrations 24h, PWST in Kraków, Wrocław branch

2015 – From cover to bookmark, ZAMOSTEK MBP Gallery, MBP in Opole

2015 – Magda Wosik & Piotr Rychel. Illustrators from Wrocław, Poster Studio Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts Kraków

2015 – Illustrations. Magda Wosik, Piotr Rychel, Gallery of the Faculty of Art at the Pedagogical University, Kraków

2014 – PL_AKATOK. Magda Wosik, Polish Institute in Budapest, Hungary

2013 – Poster Boy, RONDO Gallery, Katowice

Selected group exhibitions

2019 – Eat Carefully!, exhibition of works of the winners of the AMS Gallery Competition, Royal Łazienki Open Air Gallery, Warsaw

2019 – Exhibition of posters designed for the 80th anniversary of the Polish Institute in Budapest, IP in Budapest

2019 – Light, post-competition exhibition, E. Lipiński Museum of Caricature in Warsaw

2019 – Gift of Wrocław, Exhibition of the Department of Graphic Design, the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, Gdańsk

2019 – 24th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art

2019 – 24th International Exhibition Cartoon, Zagreb

2019 – Satyrykon'2019, post-competition exhibition, Legnica

2019 – 4th International Poster Biennial, Lublin

2019 – Columbus sails the Magic Ship (and Wrocław illustrates), book illustration exhibition, MIA Gallery, Wrocław

2019 – Days of Zielona Góra – Grape Harvest 2019, Pro Arte Gallery of the Zielona Góra District of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers