Zbigniew Rybczyński new honorary doctorate of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław

On 21st June 2023, the Senate of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław unanimously adopted a resolution to confer the honorary doctorate of our Academy to Zbigniew Rybczyński.
Zbigniew Rybczyński is an outstanding multimedia artist, researcher and explorer; a pioneer in the field of animation, film and technological experiments. He has won more than 40 prestigious international awards, led by the Oscar awarded in 1983 for the best animated short film, "Tango." His work is characterized by genuine – deep synergy, occurring between art, science and technology. That is why he is often compared to the geniuses of the Renaissance era. (from a review by J. Jernajczyk prof. ASP
The diploma ceremony will take place on the 9th of October 2023, during the inauguration of the academic year in the Aula Leopoldinum at the University of Wrocław.