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WELCOME TO POLAND: Easter "meeting" at our dormitory

Published 14 Apr 2020

In the E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design student house, 24 students celebrated Easter, who for various reasons, in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, did not decide to return home. Most of them were foreign students (17 people), for whom separation from their loved ones may be even harder.

In order to make their holidays more pleasant, the Rector of the Academy, Prof. Piotr Kielan, decided to organize an Easter meeting for students from the our dormitory - to the extent possible and with all necessary safety rules. Students were given Easter wishes and catering for 3 days of the Easter celebration. Traditional soups, homemade dumplings and delicious desserts and other tasty dishes were prepared and delivered by HALA MONCO Restaurant. Thanks to this, all students in our dormitory could sit at the Easter table (of course, everyone in their own room) and connect online with their colleagues from the student house.

Such an unusual Easter meeting was possible thanks to funds from NAWA under the WELCOME TO POLAND Programme.


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