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RECTOR'S ANNOUNCEMENT from 4 February 2021

Published 19 Mar 2021

regarding: changes in the teaching mode and the use of the University's infrastructure during the summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021 in connection with the Covid outbreak - from 15 February to 31 March 2021

Dear Lecturers, Dear Students and Doctoral Students

and Students of postgraduate studies,

in connection with the REGULATION OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS of 22 January 2021 amending the Regulation on the establishment of specific restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the outbreak of an epidemic and in accordance with the Order of the Rector of the Academy No. I/18/2021, we inform that in the summer semester beginning on 15 February:

· Classes which do not constitute directional education marked in the timetable with the letters R and O/R, for all full-time, part-time and postgraduate students will be transferred to online mode using information technology and tools of MS Office 365.

· Classes from elective courses which cannot be conducted using distance learning methods and techniques and which are marked in the timetables with the letter R and O/R will be conducted in the full-time mode with the possibility to enter the studios in accordance with the Rector's Decree No. I/104/2020 for full-time, part-time and postgraduate students.

· Full-time and part-time students, as well as post-graduate students will be admitted to the Academy premises on the basis of the student's/doctoral student's card and verification of appropriate lists of students and post-graduate students. The lecturer conducting the classes or workshops is obliged to prepare a personal list (faculty, name of the studio/workshop, name and surname, year of study of the participants) and submit it to the Study Organization Department in order to verify persons entering the Academy premises.

· Entry to the Academy premises is allowed only through the reception desks on Plac Polski 3 / 4 and the reception desk of the CSU.CI building on Traugutta Street 19/21.

· The special rules of conducting the classes specified in the Rector's Order No. I/104/2020 are maintained: DDMA (Disinfection, Distance, Mask, Application) - on the premises of the University in all spaces it is obligatory to cover mouth and nose.

· Individual work of students in the studios and workshops is allowed under the conditions specified in paragraph 6 of the Rector's order and according to the arrangements and recommendations of the instructors of the studios and workshops. The didactic rooms are used from 9.00 to 21.30.

· Due to his/her health or family situation, a student has the right to decide that the classes are to be conducted exclusively on-line, of which he/she is obliged to inform the teacher via e-mail. In such case, the teacher will agree with the student how the course will be conducted, but in the remote mode the student is obliged to use the information technology and tools of MS Office 365.

All contacts with the University administration will be done by e-mail. Issuance of necessary documents and certificates will take place after prior appointment with the employee by phone or e-mail.

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Załącznik nr 1 do zarządzenia Rektora nr I 18 2021.pdf

Załącznik nr 1 do zarządzenia Rektora nr I 18 2021

Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia Rektora nr I 18 2021_0.docx
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Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia Rektora nr I 18 2021_0.docx

Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia Rektora nr I 18 2021

Zarządzenie Rektora I 18 2021.pdf
pdf, 342.94 KB
Zarządzenie Rektora I 18 2021.pdf

Zarządzenie Rektora I /18 / 2021

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