on changing the working mode of the E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław to remote working mode
Dear Students, Doctoral Candidates,
Dear Lecturers and Employees of ASP,
Acting pursuant to article 23 sec. 1 and sec.2 points 2 and 11 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 85) and article 3 sec. 1 of the Act of 7 March 2020 on special solutions related to the prevention, counteraction and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 374) and § 9 sec. 4 points 2 and 11 of the Statute of the E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, I order following:
1. Teaching activities, both those constituting the major field of study and others, for all full-time, part-time and postgraduate students shall be transferred into the online mode with the use of information technology and tools contained in MS Office 365.
2. The individual work of students in studios and workshops is suspended.
3. Individual (artistic) work of lecturers and PhD candidates is allowed under the sanitary regime established by the Rector's Order No. I/104/2020. The use of the studio is possible from 9.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. except on public holidays. Entrance to the premises of the Academy will take place on the basis of personal lists, provided in electronic form by the supervisors of doctoral candidates. The lists should be prepared not later than on 26.04 at 8.00 a.m. and sent electronically to the e-mail m.szumiejko@asp.wroc.pl.
4. It is strictly forbidden for students to be present on the premises of the E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław.
5. It is strictly forbidden for academic staff, doctoral candidates as well as non-academic staff to be present on the premises of the E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław (except when on duty or having permit to access the studio).
6. The Rector, Vice-Rectors, Deans, Chancellor, Quaestor, Deputy Chancellor and the Head of the Study Organisation Department, by virtue of their functions, have unlimited time and daily access to the University.
7. Students and doctoral candidates, residents of the ASP's dormitory will not be charged for the period of non-residence during the remote teaching period. If you are forced to stay at the dormitory due to the distance of your return, you are Erasmus students, foreigner, please report this to the administration of the dormitory and follow the instructions of the staff.
8. Academic staff (in regard to teaching) and non-academic staff (except for designated on-call duty) shall carry out their duties remotely, i.e. from their place of residence.
9. Persons on duty at the Academy are informed that access to the Academy will be possible only through the main entrance gate at pl. Polski 3/4 and through the entrance gate in the CSU.CI building at Traugutta St. 19/21.
10. On-call duty will be determined by the direct supervisors for the following day/week with the provision that there will be at least 1 employee from each administrative department.
11. The duty rosters referred to in points 5 and 8 should be sent by administrative managers and independent employees to the Vice Chancellor for Organisational and Personnel Affairs on the date indicated by him.
1. All employees of the ASP are hereby informed that the period of remote working is not a period of additional leave, but normal working time, subject to the change of the place of work.
2. Employees performing their duties remotely, i.e. from their place of residence, are at the employer's disposal during working hours.
3. Official duties are to be carried out using ICT tools.
4. All professional correspondence with employees must necessarily take place via official electronic mail or by telephone.
5. In cases of emergency, documents may be handed over to the reception in a sealed envelope bearing the name and organisational unit of the employee to whom the envelope is addressed.
6. In connection with the obligation of the University to send a daily report on the impact of COVID-19, an obligation is being introduced for all University departments dealing with staff, students and postgraduates to provide information in email form on quarantine, isolation, being in hospital with suspected infection and information on infection.
This information should be sent to the following address: m.szumiejko@asp.wroc.pl on an ongoing basis but no later than every Monday by 12.00 pm - including holidays.
7. Employees, students and doctoral candidates are obliged to follow the information posted on the ASP website and communicated by e-mail on an ongoing basis.
1. The Order shall come into force on the date of signing with effect from 26 April 2021 at 6.00 am to 5 May 2021 at 6.00 am inclusive.
2. Employees will be on duty from 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
3. The issuing of passes other than those specified in § 1 sec. 3 for entry to the ASP premises is suspended.