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Gwoździk Katarzyna

ass. tutor Katarzyna Gwoździk

ass. tutor Katarzyna Gwoździk, MFA

Faculty of Graphics and Media Art

Department of Media Art

Visual Recognition Studio

Subjects taught

    Psychophysiology of Sight

She graduated from the University of Łódź in 2012, majoring in Psychology, with a specialisation in Clinical Psychology; in 2011, she completed her Bachelor's study programme at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, specializing in Visual Design; in 2013, she completed her Master's programme at the Academy of Fine Art and Design in Wrocław, specialising in Media Art; she has been employed at the Academy since 2019.

Balancing between psychology and creative activities makes me feel the greater impact of the resulting works. If our mind is a kind of self-creating construct, a more thorough understanding of its mechanisms may allow us to better reach our audience and express ourselves.


2021 – Exemplary 21, a collective virtual exhibition available on the Kunstmatrix platform

2019 – Exemplary Exhibition, group exhibition, Entropia Gallery, Wrocław

2012 – East Express. Return to avant-garde, group exhibition, Łódź of Four Cultures Festival 2012 – Generations, Pinkus House, Łódź

2012 – Underwater Wrocław, group exhibition, Browar Mieszczański, Wrocław

2012 – Ritual for health, group exhibition, hospital courtyard at Poniatowskiego Street, Wrocław