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Staged Photography Studio

Staged Photography Studio

Diploma awarding Studio


ac. prof. Piotr Komorowski


The objective of the studio is to train students in the ability of effective execution of their own projects focused on the idea of staged photography. A wide range of the strategy of staging is offered: from para-documentary activities, through classic object staging, to performative activities and multimedia recording. Emphasis is placed on the broadly understood creative possibility of using the photographic medium in all areas of artistic activity. The studio also focuses on issues connected with the analysis and interpretation of photography, as well as theoretical reflection directly and indirectly connected with the implementation of exercises.


The research and didactic activities of the studio are based on the assumption that photography is an open discipline, and that its sense is not contained solely within the area delineated by an orthodox understanding of the medium. The studio develops in students the ability to apply alternative methods of using photography and the conviction that they are of equal importance to one another. The choice of a method may be dictated solely by the degree of its usefulness in a given artistic undertaking, or by an individual inclination towards a particular way of proceeding.


    Staged Photography

    Artistic Photography

    Applied and Documentary Photography

    Basics of Photography

    Original Photography


Basic skills related to photographic techniques and digital image post-production are required.


Władysław Strzemiński, Teoria widzenia Urszula Czartoryska, Przygody plastyczne fotografii Zbigniew Tomaszczuk, Łowcy obrazów Susan Sontag, O fotografii Roland Barthes, Światło obrazu