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Lithography and Graphics Promotion Studio

Diploma awarding Studio

We teach according to the rules governing classical lithography, algraphy, mokulito, linocut. The objective of teaching is to consolidate knowledge and develop skills in selecting and using

graphic media to express thoughts and formulate artistic problems; the main emphasis is put on the issues of correlation of idea and form and deepening knowledge and skills of using techniques and technologies of flatbed printing in artistic creation. Students, on the basis of their own experiences, work out innovative issues of theory and practice of creation.


According to popular opinion, the studio is the best organised and equipped studio in Poland. The study programme (classes are conducted in Polish and English) includes classic lithography on stone, black & white and in colour, algraphy on grained aluminium plate, black-and-white and colour photoalgraphy, i.e. the use of photomechanical techniques to create a printing matrix using pre-sensitised offset plates, and mokulito - lithography on wood. The studio, like others belonging to the

Department of Artistic Printmaking, offers students linocut as a complementary technique. Students use equipment and materials necessary for the performance of course tasks and diploma works.


Artistic Printmaking
Rudiments of Artistic Printmaking

    Enrolment terms

    Students should know the basics of printmaking and drawing, have the ability to use graphic software, be aware of the relations between the expressed content and the formal means from the arsenal of lithography, algraphy, mokulito, linocut, digital printing.

    Reading list

    1. Garo Z. Antreasian, Clinton Adams, The Tamarind Book of Lithography: Art and Techniques, 1970
    2. Marjorie Devon, Tamarind Techniques for Fine Art Lithography, 2008
    3. Paweł Frąckiewicz, Pamięć przyszłości / The Memory of the Future, 2012
    4. Anna Trojanowska, Owoce kamienia, 2010
    5. Ales Krejca, Techniki sztuk graficznych, 1984
    6. Jerzy Werner, Technika i technologia sztuk graficznych, 1972
    7. Grafika artystyczna – podręcznik warsztatowy, ASP Poznań, 2007
    8. Grafika warsztatowa – podręcznik technik graficznych, ASP Katowice, 2007
    9. Wrocławska Szkoła Grafiki / English for printmaking, collective author, ASP Wrocław
    10. English for printmaking, collective author, ASP Wrocław
    11. S. Czyżewski Czy na pewno cyfrowa rewolucja? [in] Dyskurs. Zeszyty Naukowo-Artystyczne ASP we Wrocławiu, no. 2, 2005
    12. Wielość w jedności, Litografia i techniki druku płaskiego w Polsce po 1900, roku Muzeum Okręgowe im. Leona Wyczółkowskiego Bydgoszcz, 2015
    13. Conference materials Convergent Theories: Printmaking, Photography and Digital Media, CAA Conference Session, San Francisco 2006
    14. IconData – online museum of contemporary printmaking –
    16. Catalogues of the International Competition of Drawing in Wrocław, the International Printmaking Triennial Cracow, the Biennial of Student Printmaking in Poznań