Galeria za Szkłem, Plac Polski ¾
You are invited to the opening, which will take place on 7 December at 2.30 p.m. On 12 December, from 12:00 p.m., a performative workshop on embroidering the Banner of Samowyzysk will take place in the exhibition space.
Other Story is a series of exhibitions that has been running since 2016, presenting different methods of narration in new media. The participants are students of the Media Art Department.
This year's sixth installment – Delusional Power – focuses on stories of power, real and usurped.
The exhibition includes a premiere show of animations inspired by a selection of propaganda articles from the Russian press. In addition, the interior of the gallery will feature multimedia objects hiding stories of everyday struggles with an uncontrollable reality, as well as video works treating models of the execution of power – power that comes from both outside and from within – power that pushes us into to our delusional and loopy behavior.
Curated by:
Maja Wolińska. Aga Jarząb, Kinga Bartniak, Maciek Bączyk
Urszula Romańska, Piotr Sołtys, Zofia Ryżewska, Anna Brzyk, Julia Hojarska, Natalia Grobelka, Adam Skórzewski, Adam Wachulewicz, Blanca Sanchez Alaya, Michał Szumega, Piotr Tokarz, Anastasiia Tynnyk, Daria Rosicka, Jakub Musialski, Alicja Kopczyńska, Zuzanna Kliniewska, Mateusz Jędrejko, Hanna Smolis, Wiktoria Bilińska, Małgorzata Bretnsznajder, Daniel Carpena Carmona, Alba Carreres Fluixà, Julia Goźdź-Roszkowska, Adela Górna, Kamila Jaśkiewicz, Melania Jurczyszak, Hanna Kaczmarek, Hanna Kuliga, Sabina Lorens, Jakub Marszałek, Wiktoria Mazurczyk, Gabriela Popowicz, Agnieszka Skorupa, Katsiaryna Smolskaya, Karolina Świadek, Kaja Wiese, Adam Zadroga, Aleksandra Zawadka
Author of the illustration used in the poster: Alba Carreres Fluixà