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Szewczyk Jacek

prof. Jacek Szewczyk

prof. Jacek Szewczyk

Member of the Council of the Academy of Art and Design for the term 2021/24

Faculty of Graphics and Media Art

Department of Printmaking

Creative Drawing Studio

Subjects taught

    Creative Drawing

In 1982 he graduated from the State Higher School of Visual Arts in Wrocław (at present the Academy of Art and Design). He received a diploma for his work performed in the Graphic Design Studio under the supervision of Professor Jan Jaromir Aleksiun and in the Printmaking Studio under the supervision of Professor Halina Pawlikowska. Since 1982 he has been employed by the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. In 2003, he was awarded the title of senior professor. At present he is the head of the Creative Drawing Studio in the Faculty of Graphics and Media Art. In the years 1999-2005 he held the position of Vice-Rector for Artistic/Research/Academic Affairs, and in the years 2005-2012 the position of Rector of the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. From 2013 to 2020 he fulfilled the duties of Dean of the Faculty of Graphics and Media Art.

Outside his academic work, he deals with printmaking and drawing. He has participated in many exhibitions, printmaking and drawing competitions in Poland and abroad. He has received a number of awards and distinctions. Jacek Szewczyk's prints and drawings can be found in the following collections: the National Library in Warsaw, the Library of the Ossolińskis Institute in Wrocław, the Drawing Hall of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, the National Museum in Wrocław, the Municipal Museum in Wrocław, the Regional Museum in Bydgoszcz, Boras Kunstmuseum, Sweden, Norrbottens Lans Landsting – Lulea, Sweden, Botkyrka, Lulea and Falun Kommun, Sweden, Grafikens Hus Mariefred, Sweden, as well as private collections.

Awards and scholarships

2012 – Medalha de Honra Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto

2012 – Silver Gloria Artis Award

2012 – Award of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage

2002 – Award of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage

1994 – Gold Medal and First Prize, III Bienal International de Grabado, Orense, Spain


2020 – individual exhibition - Jacek Szewczyk - Digital Prints - Centar za Grafiku, Flu Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts, Belgrade, Serbia

2019 – Hommage a Noir, Beijing Silon Concrete Hale Gallery for Arts within the framework of One Bell One Road Culture Design Exhibition 2019, Beijing, China

2019 – Wrocław School of Printmaking, Shanghai Academy of Fine Art/SAFA, Shanghai, China

2019 – From Poland with Art – Polish Artists in Thailand, Chiang Mai University Art Center, Muang Chiang, Thailand

2019 – 5th Tokyo International Art Exhibition, Open Heart/Open Art, Gallery Kobun, Tokyo, Japan


2012 – The Wrocław School Of Printmaking, published by E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, text by Dorota Folga-Januszewska – The Visible Invisible. About the Search for Image in Printmaking, Dorota Miłkowska – Looking for a Universal Idea

2006 – catalogue On Paper, on Glass, B. Idzikowska, E. Get-Stankiewicz, M. Kihlman, J. Szewczyk, tekst by Mirosław Ratajczak, Wrocław/Pilsen

2006 – catalogue Jacek Szewczyk, Drawings, Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, text by Andrzej Jarosz

2003 – catalogue Drawings by Jacek Szewczyk, text by Barbara Baworowska, Wrocław

2000 – artistic book Spar av tid /Traces of time, text by Adam Zagajewski, Paweł Huelle, Joanna Helander, poems by Czesław Miłosz, Stockholm, Sweden