Masny Piotr
In 1998 he graduated from the Wrocław University of Technology, majoring in Electronics – Acoustics.
I am a sound engineer, musician, composer, I am also active in the field of conceptual and geometric art, printmaking and photography. In my artistic activities I search for new forms and content, links between sound and image, time and space, chaos and mathematical order. I produce my works using new technologies, finding unusual contexts, materials and solutions, often referring, however, to the classics and to the achievements of great artists from various fields.
2020 – Metrum, group exhibition, Mia Art Gallery, Wrocław
2020 – International Art Symposium It was, it is, it will be. Beautiful times, Morawa Palace
2020 – Semiography & manipulations, individual exhibition, KINO Gallery, DCF Wrocław
2019 – Own measure / own dimension, group exhibition, NEON Gallery, Wrocław
2019 – Restart, group exhibition, KINO Gallery, DCF Wrocław