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Chwiszczuk Czesław

ac. prof. Czesław Chwiszczuk

ac. prof. Czesław Chwiszczuk

Academic Supervisor of the Academic Group of SFERA Imaging Techniques

Chairman of the Social Benefit Fund Committee

Vice-Chairman of the Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union

Faculty of Graphics and Media Art

Department of Media Art

Photographic Imaging Techniques Studio


Subjects taught

    Fundamentals of Photography

    Imaging Techniques

    Theory and Practice of Artistic Photography

    Classic Photography Topics and Techniques

    Filming Technologies – the field of Scenography

    Photography Studio – the field of Photography and Multimedia

    Doctoral seminar

In 1981 he graduated from the Faculty of Cinematography and TV Production at the Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź. His works can be seen in the National Museum in Wrocław, the Museum of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, the Association of the International Graphic Art Triennial in Kraków, and the Wrocław City Museum.

I express myself artistically in photography, film and multimedia installations. Photography is my way of seeing the world, processing it in my own way. Since I realised that photography is not an objective message, I started working with many images to build my subjective reality; I try to give my pictures the illusion of perceived space. I am interested in man's relationship with nature, but also with nature that is much more difficult to grasp by means of the senses - the universe that surrounds us, implying phenomena that our mind can only grasp with the help of poetry. My photo-images are new entities, though brought into existence by the impulse of recording.

Awards and scholarships

2010 – Grand Prix and Gold Medal at the International Photography Confrontation Only One Photograph, Jarosław

2004 – Grand Prix at the 12th Biennial of Mountain Photography, Jelenia Góra

Individual exhibitions

2016 – Passengers within the Train to Art project, Runde Ecke Gallery, Dresden, Germany

2015 – Layers, FF Imaginarium Gallery, Łódź

2014 – Aspects of Seeing Glosa No. 2, presentation, MBWA, Town Hall, Leszno

2009 – Liberation of Memory – Interiorisations, Art Gallery, BWA Jelenia Góra

2006 – Algiers (Algeria), RACIM Gallery, the Embassy, Agadir, Morocco

2005 – The Eight, presentation, ZLAF Gedymnia Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania; Old ZPAF Gallery, Warsaw

2004 – Breathless, the Lower Silesian Centre of Photography, Domek Romański, Wrocław

2001 – Cyfrografie, BWA – Design, Wrocław

2001 – At the Junction, Town Hall, Wrocław

1977 – Language of Photography, Wrocław Gallery of Photography, Wrocław

1993 – Waiting Room, hall of the railway station, Wrocław

1985 – Spaces, Old Gallery of ZPAF, Warsaw

1978 – Model, Foto-Medium-Art Gallery Wrocław


2010 – Zbigniew Horobowy, Polish-English monograph, 124 pages, published by Wrocławskie Środowisko Artystyczne, Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław

2008 – Krystyna Cybińska, Polish-English monograph, 124 pages, published by Wrocławskie Środowisko Artystyczne, Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław

2008 – Interiorisations, a bilingual catalogue of the author's works, 90 pages, published by Semata, co-published by BWA Jelenia Góra

2007 – Catalogue of the Collection of the National Museum in Wrocław. Photography. Polish-English catalogue, 442 pages, published by National Museum in Wrocław

1994 – The Phenomenon of Power. Process. Gyubal Wahazar. Faust, a trilingual Polish-English-German catalogue, 96 pages, published by Wrocław Puppet Theatre

1986 – Art of the Youth 1975-1980, album, 280 pages, published by M A W, Warsaw