Order regarding changes in the mode of conducting classes and work at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław.
ORDER NO. I/119./2021
of the Rector of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław
of 18 November 2021r.
on: changes in the mode of conducting classes and work at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław
Acting on the basis of Article 23(1) and (2)(2) and (11) of the Act of 20 July 2018. - Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 478) and Article 3.1 of the Act of March 2, 2020 on special solutions related to preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1842) as well as § 9.1 and § 9.4.2 and 11 of the Statute of the E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, I order as follows:
1. In connection with the worsening of the epidemic situation the full-time students' classes in the studios of Painting, Drawing, Sculpture of all faculties are suspended, excluding the faculties of: Painting and Sculpture for:
- II, III , IV and V years of unified master studies,
- II and III year of first degree studies
- I and II year of second-cycle studies.
2. The classes in the form of stationary classes in the studios of Painting and Sculpture will be maintained for students of all majors:
- 1st year of unified master studies
- 1st year of first degree studies
3. Drawing classes for students of the first year of unified master studies and first degree studies will be held stationary every other week starting from 24.11.2021r.
4. Directional classes in the studios of Painting and Drawing will be maintained for students of the faculty of Painting of all years of unified master studies.
5. Directional classes in the studios of Sculpture for students of the faculty of Sculpture of all years of unified master studies will be maintained.
6. Didactic classes in the humanities, seminars and lectures will be moved to online mode using information technology and tools contained in MS Office 365 from 22.11.2021.
7. Department heads responsible for class schedules in a given course are required to verify the hours and location in the schedule of subjects referred to in para. 6, so as to ensure that students can participate in on-line classes without having to stay at the University.
8. Individual student work is allowed in the laboratories and workshops under the conditions specified in the Rector's Decree no. I/94/2021 and in accordance with the arrangements and recommendations of the teachers of the laboratories and workshops. Teaching facilities are used from 9.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
1. Non-academic staff shall carry out their duties on the basis of a duty schedule specifying the days of their presence at the University.
2. Schedules will be established by their immediate supervisors for the following two weeks with the proviso that each Section/Administrative Department shall have at least 2 employees from each Section/Administrative Department.
3. The schedules referred to in para. 2, heads of administrative sections/departments and independent employees are obliged to send them to the Vice Chancellor for Organisational and Personnel Affairs within the deadline set by him/her.
4. All ASP employees are informed that the period of remote work is not a period of additional leave, but normal working time, subject to the change of the place of work.
5. Employees performing their duties remotely, i.e. from their place of residence, are at the disposal of their employer during working hours.
6. Employees performing their duties remotely are obliged to report daily work performed to their immediate supervisors.
1. In connection with the University's obligation to send a report on the effects of COVID-19, an obligation is introduced to provide information in the form of e-mail by students, doctoral students, lecturers and employees on quarantine, isolation, staying in hospital with suspected infection and information on infection.
This information should be communicated by telephone at 794 - 109 - 122 or by email to:
- m.szumiejko@asp.wroc.pl - students, PhD students
- m.wozniak@asp.wroc.pl - lecturers and employees.
The employees, students and doctoral students are obliged to keep up-to-date with the information posted on the ASP website and transmitted by e-mail.
This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its signing and shall be valid from 22 November 2021.