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Art Symposium: It Was, It Is and It Will Be

Published 30 Aug 2021

In 2021, we return to the original formula of the Art Symposium, which assumes a meeting and joint work of artists.

The Palace and Park in Morawa become the place of our activities again. This time, by proposing the theme In Progress, we want to encourage artists to performative activities in conjunction with the creation of material and sound objects, ephemeral activities, documentation and lectures on art. Our intention is to expand the field of exploration of a place with new ways of imaging and creative expression, including the action of time. The main theme of the Symposium is the broadly understood creative process, data collection, building/constructing documentation that will initiate artistic solutions. Focusing on the conscious or intuitive "maturation" of artistic concepts, using the moments of illumination/insight or chance - all this will contribute to familiarizing themselves with issues posed by artists.

The Symposium is taking place from 30.08 to 07.09.2021. 


06 – 15.09.2021, Pałac Morawa

Morawa 1, Jaroszów


06.09.2021, 1 p.m., Pałac Morawa 

Symposium participants:

Anka Leśniak, Alicja Jodko, Ioana Ţurcan, Hubert Czerepok

Pablo Ramírez González, Ilona Gumowska, Hubert Bujak

Grażyna Jaskierska-Albrzykowska, Paweł Czekański

Maciej Albrzykowski, Tomasz Opania, Mariusz Kosiba

Matěj Frank, Anna Bujak, Magda Grzybowska, Marek Sienkiewicz

Event organizer:

Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu

projekt dofinansowany przez Miasto Wrocław / project co-funded by Wrocław City

partnerzy / partners: Pałac i Park Morawa, Fundacja św. Jadwigi, Galeria Entropia Strzegomskie Centrum Kultury, Granex, Materia - Przestrzeń Tańca. 

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