Art of Passage '24 - Best MFA Diplomas of ASP Wrocław

BWA Wrocław Główny
ul. Piłsudskiego 105
We invite you to a unique event showcasing the best master's theses by students of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. This exhibition presents the most compelling projects created by young artists and designers who are stepping onto the artistic and design scene with a bold voice and a fresh perspective.
Held at BWA Wrocław Główny, the exhibition offers a cross-sectional presentation of works from various disciplines, including painting, sculpture, printmaking, media art, art mediation, interior architecture, design, scenography, ceramics, glass, as well as conservation and restoration of artworks. The display highlights the diversity of themes and techniques explored, ranging from traditional forms to experimental approaches at the intersection of art and modern technologies.
For young artists, Sztuka Przejścia ’24 symbolizes a farewell to their academic journey and an entry into the world of major cultural institutions. For the audience, it is an opportunity to discover emerging talents who may soon shape both the Polish and international art scene.
During the grand vernissage on February 28, 2025, we will announce the recipient of the main award for the best master's thesis of 2024, along with other prestigious distinctions. On this occasion, we will also open the Best Diploma Through the Eyes of BWA Wrocław exhibition, curated by Joanna Stembalska.
The exhibition will run until March 26 and will be open to all art and design enthusiasts. More than just an artistic event, it is an invitation to reflect on contemporary challenges and the directions explored by the new generation of artists.
participants: Aleksandra Błach, Agata Drąg, Aleksander Glich, Laura Jammoul, Stefania Jankowiak, Agata Mendrala, Jakub Musialski, Oliwia Olbińska, Marcelina Siwik, Julia Sołtysiak, Kacper Wiatrak oraz Adam Martyniak (wybór kuratorski BWA Wrocław)
exhibition design: Sebastian Siepietowski
visual identity: Karolina Wiśniewska
organizer: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu
curatorial partner: BWA Wrocław Galerie Sztuki Współczesnej
partner: Koleje Dolnośląskie S.A.
media patronage: Radio Ram, Radio Wrocław, Szum
media support: Format Pismo Artystyczne
promotion: Aleksandra Zaczek